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Stitching Journal - DIGITAL for Goodnotes etc

Stitching Journal - DIGITAL for Goodnotes etc

Regular price £7.50
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Anyone feeling disorganised with their stitching ? Buying patterns you already have? Not knowing what fabric you have to hand or where you bought it ?

Then this Stitching Journal is perfect for you.

It contains:

  • A front Cover
  • Project Record
  • Chart Inventory
  • Fabric Inventory
  • SAL Tracker
  • WIP Tracker
  • Shopping List
  • Wish List
  • Notes

It comes in 4 gorgeous colours, Purple, Pink, Green or Blue.

USA has US spellings eg. color

English has English spelling eg. colour
Software Required:
  • For ios I recommend GoodNotes (available in Apple Appstore)
  • For Android I recommend Noteshelf (available in google play store)
Both of these are paid software so please consider this cost before purchasing. There are lots of free equivalents around, but most that I tried didn't keep the tab functionality to switch between pages.
The apps recommended above are the ones I used to test this Journal on.
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Customer Reviews

Based on 7 reviews
Anneka Giddings
A tool I never knew I needed!`

I purchased this as a way to try and keep all of my WIPs and SALs organised and clearly identifiable - upon purchasing, I had never used the recommended app for Andriod before so I wasn't sure how to add more pages to the chapters so I reached out to Peppermint Purple for advice - she replied within two hours with clearly structured guidelines on how to duplicate pages so I could make the journal and tracker work for me, really happy with my purchase!

Well thought out, thorough organization tool.

You can track just about everything about your projects that you’d like to. My problem is that I find it really awkward to make the entries. When I was working, I was pretty good with technology. Unfortunately that doesn’t seem to be the case anymore. Using text blocks in PDF documents seems to be outside my skill set.

Hi Anne - I am so sorry to hear you are struggling with this, if you would prefer the printable version, please let me know, and I will see what I can do.

Sara Greenwood
Great for organizing

This was easy to download and open in an app on my iPad. The design is so pretty and I’m happy to have a way to keep track of my projects.

Emma Bartholomew
Keeping Track of all my Charts

I have all my blackwork and downloaded cross stitch charts listed in the journal.

Becky Hancock
