Round Coaster Instructions
What you will need:
- Coaster Blank
- The Stitched pattern - a Peppermint Purple one obviously 😉
- Needle
- Scissors (maybe two sets as you will need to cut both paper and material)
- A sheet of paper (ordinary printer paper is fine) I have used plain white, but any can be used. This will be used to cover the back of your stitching and visible so even a pretty patterned paper would be lovely.
- Pencil
- Some tape eg. sellotape/masking tape (it is only used temporarily so the sort doesn't matter as long as it's not so sticky that it will ruin the material)

1. Take your stitched design - I have chosen one of my Geometric Coasters stitched on 16ct.
2. Iron your design so that it is un-creased.
3. Take your paper and the base of the coaster. Draw around the base x 2. TIP: clean around the edge of the coaster you used to draw around – mine had lots of charcoal from the pencil on it which would have marked the material.
4. Cut them both out – make sure this fits in the top part of the coaster.
5. Take one of the circles and fold in it half.....
6. and then fold in half again.
7. Now take your stitching and use your needle to mark the middle of the pattern (shown on the chart).
8. Take the folded circle and push this onto the needle in the centre, marked where the two fold lines cross, so that the paper is covering the back of your stitching.
9. Use a bit of tape to keep the paper in place and remove the Needle
10. Draw around the paper (best if this is done on the stitching back side), removing the bits of tape as you get to them, making sure the paper stays still.
11. And cut the stitching out around the drawn line (you can throw away this paper circle now)
12. Place your stitching face down into the coaster top.
13. Place the other circle of cut paper (from step 4) on top of that (if your paper still has some pencil showing make sure you have that side against the material).
14. Gently place (but don’t push in) the coaster back which will allow you to hold the coaster up and quickly check the front to make sure it is as expected. Once happy push the back fully in to encapsulate the stitching and coaster
15. Sit back, and pat yourself on the back for a job well done 😊
I hope this has helped and you are now looking forward to stitching up some lovely coasters, either for yourself, or gifts for loved ones.